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Applications are accepted at any time throughout the year.

Applications are reviewed twice annually, on August 1 and January 30.

A sample of the application form can be viewed HERE.

The Emeritus Academy was founded in the spring of 2023 to recognize and promote the ongoing engagement of Penn State emeriti faculty in both scholarly and creative activities. The academy seeks to promote scholarly community​ among emeritus faculty, provide connections to keep emeritus faculty connected to the University, enhance the reputation of the University, and to benefit society at large.

The academy provides a community-based approach that is founded on members’ ongoing research, pedological work, or creative projects. It fosters continued intellectual curiosity, professional growth, and collegiality. During the academic year, members present lectures in their areas of expertise on topics ranging from scientific research to artistic practices. Emeritus Academy affirms and supports Penn State’s dedication to the lifetime role of faculty members as scholars, artists, and community supporters.

The Emeritus Academy is a program for faculty granted Emeritus Status (as per AC25) who are completing scholarly projects. It is open to all emeritus tenure-line and non-tenure-line faculty and administrators. Applications are accepted annually. Emeritus Academy Professors must comply with all relevant university policies.

Explorations Lecture Series

The Penn State Emeritus Academy is proud to launch Explorations: The Penn State Emeritus Academy Lecture Series.

Explorations Lecture Series


Title of Academy Professor
Members of the Emeritus Academy are granted the title “Academy Professor.” This title may be used during the period in which the individual is a member of the Academy. No new privileges are guaranteed beyond what is included in the policy.
Lecture Series
Each year the Academy hosts a series of lectures, open to the public, at which current members present their research or creative activity and respond to questions from the audience. The lectures also serve as a forum for Academy announcements and business.
Grant Program
When funds are available, the Academy will sponsor an annual small research and travel grant program. Emeritus Academy members may apply to support their research and creative activities.

Eligibility for Membership

  • Granted emeritus faculty status by the University President
  • Currently involved in productive activities consistent with the University’s academic mission, broadly defined, such as the scholarship of research or creative activity; the scholarship of educational advancement and pedagogy; or leadership in a discipline or in outreach to the broader community
  • Continued ties to Penn State University, demonstrated through use of Penn State affiliation in creative and scholarly works or ongoing activity on campus

Membership Selection

Membership in the Emeritus Academy is for an initial term of three years, with the possibility of renewal. For selection, it is expected that persons are actively involved and productive in an area of research or creative activity; pedagogy or educational advancement; disciplinary/ interdisciplinary leadership; and/or outreach and engagement. Examples of such activities typically include one or more of the following:

  • Recent publication of research papers and/or books, and specific plans for future publications
  • External funding of research
  • Leadership roles in learned societies and/or scholarly journals
  • Solicited lectures, conference presentations, performances, or exhibits
  • Activities impactful on a scholarly discipline or society in general, e.g., expert congressional testimony
  • Curricular innovation or accreditation projects

The Emeritus Academy follows the academic fiscal year of July 1st through June 30th. Applications are accepted at any time. To apply the candidate must meet the criteria for membership and submit a description of the proposed project, a timeline line for completion of the project, and a statement that describes why being selected as an Academy Professor would benefit the applicant. Emeritus faculty who are working on a project with an internal unit (such as an academic unit) must include a letter of support from that unit in their application materials.

Note: Participation in the Emeritus Academy does not guarantee continued use of facilities or university resources, although a limited amount of funding may be available through the small grants program described below.  Emeritus Academy faculty who have been granted continued use of facilities must comply in full with the terms specified in the Facility Access Authorization Request form, all applicable Penn State policies, and directives and procedures from Campus, Departmental, and College access facilities coordinators.