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Policy AC80: Faculty Outside Professional Activities and Conflict of Commitment


The purposes of this policy are (1) to set forth policies and principles that permit University faculty to engage in activities outside the University (“Outside Professional Activities”) while preserving their primary professional duties and responsibilities to the University and remaining consistent with federal regulations and guidelines, and (2) to provide a basis for reporting Outside Professional Activities of faculty to the University.

The policy requires colleges and campuses to maintain their own guidance under this policy. Those documents are linked below.

University Park Colleges and Units

College of Agricultural Sciences 

College of Arts and Architecture 

College of Earth and Mineral Sciences 

College of Education 

College of Engineering 

College of Information Sciences and Technology 

College of Health and Human Development 

College of the Liberal Arts 

College of Nursing – COMING SOON

Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications 

Eberly College of Science 

Smeal College of Business 

University Libraries 


Colleges Outside of University Park

College of Medicine (Hershey) 

Dickinson Law (Carlisle) 


Commonwealth Campuses

Penn State Abington 

Penn State Altoona 

Penn State Behrend 

Penn State Berks

Penn State Great Valley 

Penn State Harrisburg 

University College (The University College comprises 14 Penn State campuses: Beaver, Brandywine, DuBois, Fayette, Greater Allegheny, Hazleton, Lehigh Valley, Mont Alto, New Kensington, Schuylkill, Scranton, Shenango, Wilkes-Barre, and York.)